SIFA za kujiunga Na Kituo cha Mahusiano ya Kigeni CFR 2024/2025

Filed in EDUCATION by on 27/07/2024

SIFA za kujiunga Na Kituo cha Mahusiano ya Kigeni CFR 2024/2025

SIFA za kujiunga Na Kituo cha Mahusiano ya Kigeni CFR 2024/2025

SIFA za kujiunga Na Kituo cha Mahusiano ya Kigeni CFR 2024/2025

SIFA za kujiunga Na Kituo cha Mahusiano ya Kigeni CFR 2024/2025, Entry Requirements into Centre for Foreign Relations CFR: If you have been dreaming of studying at the Centre for Foreign Relations CFR and now you want to pursue your dream in life, then this article is full of some important details that you may need to know. After completing the Necta form four or the form six exam and passing the NECTA exam with good results, now is the time to apply for a place at various higher education institutions.

To ensure that your application will be accepted and eventually achieve your dream of being accepted into the Centre for Foreign Relations CFR, you must understand the minimum entry requirements applicable to the various courses offered by the CFR.

Below we have listed the minimum Entry Requirements into Centre for Foreign Relations CFR for various degree, diploma, postgraduates and master programme.

Basic Technician Certificate in International Relations and Diplomacy

Category A: Direct Entry Qualification Ordinary Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with
at least FOUR passes, excluding passes in religious subjects.

Category B: Equivalent Qualification Equivalent qualifications of NTA Level Three from a recognised institution.

Technician Certificate / Ordinary Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy (TC IRD-NTA level 5&6)

Category A: Direct Entry Qualifications Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE), with ONE principal pass and ONE subsidiary obtained at the same sitting and Certificate of Secondary Education (CSEE) with credit passes in THREE subjects.

Category B: Equivalent Qualifications Basic Technician Certificate (NTA level 4) from any institution recognized by NACTE with at least a second class or an average of B and above

Higher Diploma /(NTA Level 7) Bachelor Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy (NTA Level 8)

Category A: Direct Entry An applicant must have a Certificate of Advanced Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE), with TWO principal level passes (4.0 points) excluding religious subjects and a Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) with credit passes in THREE subjects.

Category B: Equivalent Qualifications A candidate must possess an Ordinary Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy, (NTA Level 6) or related field from any institution recognized by NACTE with at least a SECOND class or a GPA of 3.0 and above.

Bachelor Degree IN International Relations and Diplomacy

Direct Entry : A candidate who successful completed Higher Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy is legible to continue with a Bachelor Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy (NTA level 8).

Postgraduate Diploma in Management of Foreign Relations

Category A: Direct Entry First degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with a GPA of not less than 2.0; or

Category B: Equivalent Qualifications Advanced Diploma from a recognized institution with not less than a ‘B’ grade;

Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Diplomacy

Category A: Direct Entry First degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with a GPA of not less than 2.0; or

Category B: Equivalent Qualifications Advanced Diploma from a recognized institution of not less than a ‘B’ grade average

Postgraduate Diploma in Peace and Conflict Management

(i) First degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with a GPA of not less than 2.0; or

ii) Advanced Diploma from a recognized institution of not less than a ‘B’ grade average.

Entry Requirements into Centre for Foreign Relations CFR Master’s Degree in Strategic Governance

Category A: Direct Entry First degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with a GPA of not less than 2.7; or

Category B: Equivalent Qualifications Advanced Diploma of not less than a ‘B’ grade average from a recognized institution. NB: Additional requirements may be required, such as proficiency in the English language

About Centre for Foreign Relations CFR: The MozambiqueTanzania Centre for Foreign Relations, also formally known as Centre for Foreign Relations (CFR), is one of the higher learning institutions in Tanzania. The Centre was established in 1978 as a result of an agreement between the Governments of the United Republic of Tanzania (URT) and the Republic of Mozambique. The Centre has been incorporated in the Immunities and Privileges Act No. 5 (1986).

This incorporation has conferred the Centre with a diplomatic status. The Centre’s primary function is to promote development, awareness and understanding of issues of International Relations at regional and international levels for practicing and emerging   professionals and the general public. The CFR is ever on the alert to learn from the international space and share innovative practices with all those involved in promoting international peace, understanding, security and good relations.

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